• Enrollment and prices

    You can enroll your child to Wendy House playschool and preschool and additional daycare first by filling out the form below.

    You have to enroll also from Turku city website:
    Please click here to download the form

    Enrolling to preschool education 2025-2026 takes place in eVaka until 15.1.2025.

    Enquiries by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                      or by phone +358 (0)45 113 0803.



    In case a family chooses private daycare the municipality grants them a service voucher.

    The early childhood education fee and the value of the service voucher are affected by the size of he family, the need for service and the family's income.

    The selectable number of hours and prices for early childhood education at Wendy Houseware the number of hours and prices of early childhood education in Turku, to which a language supplement of 33 euros has been added. The difference between the price charged by Wendy and the value of the issued service voucher remains to be paid by the family.

    over 35 h/week, 1027 €/month, deductible  33 € – 344 €/month


    up to 35 h/week, 1027 €/month, deductible  33 € – 297 €/month


    up to 27,5 h/week, 779 €/month, deductible 33 € – 236 €/month


    * up to 20 h/week, 629 €/month, deductible  33 € – 188 €/month


    A monthly fee will be charged for 11 months, regardless of whether the child is present or not.


    In July Wendy House is closed and no fee will be charged.


    Period of notice is one month.



    The city of Turku buys preschool education from Wendy House, and the four-hour preschool is free for families. The preschool follows the working and holiday hours of Turku elementary schools.


    If a child needs supplementary early childhood education in addition to pre-school education, it can be applied for with a daycare application on the city's website. At the same time, parents apply for an income-related daycare service voucher.



    Playschool for 3–5 year-olds is either part-time early childhood education up to 20h/week or up to 27,5h/week, or full-time early childhood education up to 35h/week or more than 35h/week.


    School group

    The school group does not meet for the time being.